Dominic Veilleux

Die Zauberflöte
«As Papageno, Veilleux showcased comic timing and made it hard to look away as his energy was contagious each time he set foot on stage. From his first appearance, he brought great energy, moving with grace, jumping, twirling with his bells and playing his instrument. His voice obtained radiant colors in his first aria showcasing a strength for the text and creating a smooth and beautiful sound.
[...] In his second act aria, known as the Suicide Scene, Veilleux showed a true booming baritone as he luxuriated in the longer lines Mozart wrote during the scene. However, when he is told to play his bells, the tone returned to quicker patter lines and a brighter timbre. He relished each moment playing with the bells and made sure to shape each phrase in a different way.»
-Francisco Salazar, Operawire
«Dominic Veilleux [...] se révèle déjà un Papageno complet, aussi bien vocalement que théâtralement, et devrait rapidement paraître sur de grandes scènes.»
-Maurice Salles, Forum Opéra
Gianni Schicchi
« De la formidable équipe de chanteurs qui compose la famille de Messer Buoso se distinguent notamment […] le Marco pétillant de Dominic Veilleux »
-Louis Bilodeau, Avant-Scène Opéra
Don Giovanni
«Le baryton Dominic Veilleux, de Québec, s’impose rapidement dans le rôle de Leporello, avec une grande présence vocale [...]»
-Yves Leclerc, Journal de Québec